Mercedes Repair in Alpharetta, GA | Eurofed Automotive

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Mercedes Repair in Alpharetta, GA

Eurofed Automotive Are Your Mercedes Authorities

Air Suspension Repair Experts

Eurofed Automotive is the leading independent Mercedes repair and maintenance shop in Alpharetta, Ga. As fellow car enthusiasts, our ASE-certified technicians understand every component of your Mercedes Benz, regardless of year or model. While Mercedes’ are built for luxury, performance, and longevity, they aren’t immune to problems. Air suspension problems are common, but our technicians are here to help. What typically leads to air suspension repair? The most common vulnerability is air leaks. Leaking air struts caused by holes, cracks, or damage to the rubber material cause a hissing sound in the wheel area. It can also cause the vehicle to sag on the side of the failing strut. If this happens, the best course of action is to replace the air struts. Other problems include a failing air compressor or Mercedes’ most common suspension issues, blown fuses, and bad relays. If the air compressor relays aren’t working, the compressor system won’t activate, leading to deflated struts and a broken suspension system. Bad relays can also trigger the compressor to stay on longer, leading to overinflated struts and eventually causing the compressor to fail. Our team has the knowledge and state-of-the-art equipment for all Mercedes repairs, and we back our work with a 24-month/24,000-mile warranty to give you peace of mind.